Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Berlin calling questions and reaction

Berlin Calling
1.      Why is Ickarus taking drugs?
I believe Ickarus is using drugs because he needs to. He is addicted. Although it probably did not start as an addiction, just a recreational past time, it slowly developed into an addiction as his body built up tolerance and he needed to use them more and more to get the same high.
2.      Why are his fans taking drugs, and which drugs do they take?
His fans are probably taking drugs for many reasons. Reasons could range from recreational use, just for fun. Or because they are addicted. Or some may take drugs because Ickarus takes drugs, many people look up to famous people and do things just to be like them. The main drug of choice seemed to be cocaine.
3.      Why does the sub-culture Ickarus is in focus on drugs?
I think the sub culture focuses on drugs because it is a part of the life they live. They do not know the repercussions of using the drugs as much as they do. Also, some people may feel pressured to do it just to fit into the club scene that seems to be the sub culture he is in.
4.      Which are the stark differences and contrasts?
There are mainly differences between my home society and this culture. Cocaine is not a big drug in my life or sub-culture at all. Whereas it seems to be prevalent in the sub-culture in the movie. Alcohol is more the drug of choice in my home society. At parties, people get drunk, they don’t do cocaine. Also the other thing that I have never seen at a party and hope to never see, is people engaging in gay sex. That would be considered extremely inappropriate.
5.      I think the generation depicted in this movie could definitely change Germany’s status in the world. If this movie accurately depicted this generation. AND if this is a depiction of the entire generation or just a small portion of it. I think the people depicted in this movie have a lot of growing up to do if they are going to be successful in life.
If everyone has the work ethic of Ickarus and his manager, Germany should be just fine. They had good work ethic and showed lots of dedication.
6.      Which similar “cult movies” of US origin have you seen, if any?
I have not seen any cult movies that I know of.
7.      My answer to question number 4 and 5 is a pretty good explanation of my reactions to this movie.

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